Hello Captain CHOO friends and FANS!š
The Winter season of book writing is finally here, and, after the Christmas get-togethers, I am eager & excited to resume the Book endeavours....
Corn Fest was an isolated incident already a couple of months ago, then I immediately jumped right back into my house renovations, so I never got a chance to THANK a few people I met then...
Better late than never; It's important to recognize good people who cross your path. We all build each other up!
First, I want to thank Randie Smith:
She showed up at our booth, a complete stranger, and proceeded to make balloon swords for all the visiting kids, whilst also entertaining and interacting with them. Her gift for engaging with them was a huge boon for us, plus she taught US how to make balloon swords and left free balloons and a pump for us to keep using after she left! Thank you so much, Randie!
Randie has a fascinating background. She was the professional mascot for Vancouver for many years, and has travelled the world. She is a gifted "creative," who now calls Taber home, and she's also a HUGE cat-lover, currently in the process of opening a local rescue. Her related FB group is Taber Rescued Cats Cafe and Shelter.
This lovely lady has a BIG heart!
Second, I want to thank Jim Stone, from "We Love Delivery;"
Jim was a friendly fellow vendor who stopped by my booth, and really encouraged us with what we were doing. He also provided invaluable feedback on tweaking my Website to improve it visually. It's not often I get feedback on it, and I can't see what it looks like on other people's mobile devices, so I really appreciated him pointing out the good, and some things I could modify.
If you need someone to do custom pickups and deliveries for you, with excellent personalized service, Jim is the gentleman to call.
Third, I want to thank Kevin O-Grady.
Jolly Kevin visited us at our booth and loved everything we were doing there, so much so that, later on, he wrote a little Captain CHOO story idea for me to work with! He even drew me two beautiful graphite portraits of the Captain and First Mate! (At some point, I will find a way to honour them sufficiently.) It turns out he is an immensely talented and well-known local portrait artist. I was blessed by his insights and tips on how to build the Captain CHOO brand. You should check him out on FB.
Fourth, I want to thank Ren Daniel Florchinger.
Ren is another very talented local "creative" I met at our booth. He's a quiet, young fellow, who presents as quite shy and introverted. However, engaging him in conversation, it quickly becomes clear that he is highly intelligent, and gifted artistically! Ren has a background in animation and graphic art, specializing in some really cool anime graphic novels. Check out his site below!
I was blessed that another skilled artist enjoyed our booth presentation and liked my work.
Fifth, I want to thank my Wonderful new "circle" at Taber Evangelical Church.
Many of these folks have welcomed us in, be-friended us, and been very supportive of what I do. They've also encouraged me, built me back up, and even re-kindled my faith when my spiritual "battery" was really low. This Fall, that's given me fresh willpower to believe in this venture and keep pushing forward, spreading wholesome messages through these funny stories, and serving God.
Thank you so much, my friends!
Last, but not least, I want to thank EVERYONE who has supported the venture in any way thus far!
You're ALWAYS very much appreciated! I am getting new coffee buddies, making many new connections, and am excited to see what doors open as the writing/art continues.
The Next Blog post will be more about the books.
May God bless you all...
Dave Chouhan, AKA Captain CHOOš
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