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Writer's pictureDave Chouhan

The FIRST LIVE show was a HIT!

Hello Fans! 😍

Captain CHOO and First Mate Mrs. CHOO had a wonderful LIVE debut at Taber Evangelical Church last Sunday!

We were invited to show up in character to surprise the kids in Sunday School, where we introduced ourselves as swash-buckling sea-faring privateers who chase down pirates. I also read one of my books, "The WORDY BIRDIE" and shared the Main scripture/Moral message behind that story.

Having never done this before, I was unsure of the success of the experiment.

I was reassured when our friend Tina, who leads the Sunday school, shared how that particular story time was the longest those kids have ever sat still! Guess we had their attention...

We remained in costume after the service, and felt a bit like "Pied Pipers of Hamelin" because of the number of curious and excited kids that followed us around and asked questions. Take a look at the expression on this handsome young fan (shared with permission from parents.) Some of the adults reacted similarly! That's when I knew we were a Hit!

SIDENOTE: We are very thankful for the extremely open and welcoming reception we have had from the lovely congregants of this church since we started attending at Christmas...🥰

They are a wonderful group of warm, kind-hearted Christian people! We are so very blessed with the many wonderful new friendships we are kindling among these good folks.

I hope this will be our "church family" for a long time...


This TRIAL ROLE-PLAYING skit included testing all the tech (laptop/projector/screen/digital files/programs,) and I'm ecstatic to report that EVERYTHING went off without a hitch.

That means we are READY for the 2024 Taber CORN Fest!

We're still waiting for approval of our table from the Taber Chamber of Commerce, but I'm optimistic that we will get one.

Meantime, I have two books on the back burner for illustrating in Fall, and a pile of reno projects to tackle now, while Denise is busy with her charity, "The Collectors."

It's shaping up to be a productive year!


Dave Chouhan, AKA Captain CHOO💖

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